28.09.2017"Informational Technologies in Science & Education"
On September 26, 2016, the first virtual scientific and practical conference "Informational Technologies in Science & Education" was held at the State University "National Mining University" in cooperation with the Vellore Institute of Technology (India) and the Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (Spain)
19.06.2017We expand our publishing business abroad
According to the results of scientific research, a collection of scientific works "Sustainable Development of Industrial Regions" was published in English
22.11.2016Results of Erasmus+ KA1 project MOSAIC
While Europe is facing a period of migration crisis, the question of multiculturalism is one of the mostly debated
29.02.2016IT Career Fair at the National Mining University
"Build a successful career in IT» - under such motto on February 23rd took place the event for students of NMU with the biggest Ukrainian employer in the IT sector – SoftServe company.
21.10.2013To heads, chiefs, managers of companies and students!
You have the opportunity to gain degrees and receive diplomas of the world leading universities due to participation in the Academic Programmes, which are supported by the National Mining University in cooperation with their primary providers - partner universities of Europe and the USA.
29.05.2013IREG’s first quality certificates to rankings systems
IREG, the Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence, this month granted the first quality certificates to university ranking systems – QS World University Rankings and Poland’s Perspektywy University Ranking – marking the beginning of a new era for this interesting field.
05.04.2013Journey - is always positive emotions
I have been very fortunate to have the opportunity to spend six weeks working with the Foreign Language Department at the National Mining University. The English program at NMU is absolutely amazing. I am particularly impressed with the high quality of the teaching staff. The English teachers are outstanding in their knowledge of English and in their methodology in teaching the language.
02.04.2013The Program «Tempus» is being successfully developed in the National Mining University.
The Program «Tempus» is an educational program of the European Union that supports modernization of the higher education system and facilitates cooperation of the EU partner countries. Tempus finances university cooperation in the area of educational programs development and improvement, university management, the interaction of academics with the community, partnership of science and business, as well as structural reforms in the higher education .
26.03.2013NMU Students explore the soft drink market
The Language training center provides NMU students with high-quality and multilevel training to learn English. Specifically, teachers who are native speakers visit NMU to teach students and conduct seminars and courses.
22.02.2013Last news of NMU (Video)
What interesting things happened at the National Mining University during the last winter month?
12.02.2013Rare editions in Latin and old German became available in an electronic library of NMU
February 12, in IA "Most-Dnipro" took place the press conference "Rare editions in Latin and old German became available in an electronic library of NMU ", which was attended by Director of the Library of NMU Olga Nefedova, head of the Library department Tatiana Nedaivoda and Senior Librarian of NMU Larissa Lozdan.
19.11.2012Freshman day at NMU
Six teams of 10 members each competed, demonstrating a high level of singing, dancing and acting.
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