Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time


According to the strategic activity directions the department is working on the integration of the journal “Scientific Bulletin of National Mining University” into the international scientific information field that integrates scientific periodicals from all over the world. Therefore the leading edition of the National Mining University was undergone significant changes.

For the first time the journal received ISSN and E-ISSN. A new concept of the journal was worked out and the purpose of the edition was specified. Design of the journal was considerably improved. The volume of the edition was increased and frequency of release was changed to 6 times a year. New rubrication was introduced. English-language title, contents, colophon and information about editorial board were added.

Colored pages containing information about new monographs, innovative projects of Ukrainian scientists, conferences and so on are included in the journal “Scientific Bulletin of National Mining University” and on the website.

Internal content of the journal was improved. Scientific level of published articles and quality of their design were raised. All manuscripts undergo 3 levels of review. Information on publication policy, publication ethics and license agreement is placed on the website of the journal.

Since 2012 each article is followed by a structured abstract instead of short annotations.

During 2011–2012 the journal “Scientific Bulletin of National Mining University” has been successfully integrated into following international information resources:

SciVerse Scopus.Since 2012 Scientific Bulletin of National Mining University has been included in the world’s largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature SciVerse Scopus which includes over 18000 scientific and technical titles from all over the world.

Ulrich's Web™ Global Serials Directory. Since April 2011 Scientific Bulletin of National Mining University has been included in Ulrichsweb™ Global Serials Directory. “Ulrich's is a global and authoritative serials search and discovery tool used extensively by academic library staff, faculty and students, staff and patrons in public and special libraries, publishers, corporations, and researchers worldwide.”

IndexCopernicus Journals Master List. Since June 2011 Scientific Bulletin of National Mining University has been registered at IndexCopernicus Journals Master List. Index Copernicus International is a world-wide gateway to complex scientific information. Developed since 1999, Index Copernicus is a Web-based Research Infrastructure, which provides essential tools for scientists, research administrators and government agencies.

ResearchBib. Since June 2012 Scientific Bulletin of National Mining University has been included in ResearchBib Journal Database. The ResearchBib Journal Database is the largest complete journal database available on the internet freely.

EBSCOhost databases. Since 2012 Scientific Bulletin of National Mining University has been included in full-text research databases of the research service EBSCOhost. EBSCO Publishing, the provider of the most-used premium research service, has served information needs for more than 65 years and nowadays they offer a suite of more than 300 full-text and secondary research databases covering all subject areas, levels of research, and user communities – from schools, public libraries and universities, to hospitals, corporations and government agencies.

V.I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine. Since 2009 Scientific Bulletin of National Mining University has been included in full-text database of V.I. Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine. Starting from 2012 full text of articles published in the journal have

Engineering Village. Since 2012 Scientific Bulletin of National Mining University has been included inCompendex® which is the one of the most comprehensive engineering literature databases with 14 million records across 190 engineering disciplines available to engineers through the Engineering Village, the premier web-based discovery platform providing access to today's most important engineering content through one single interface.

ProQuest. Since 2012 the journal Scientific Bulletin of National Mining University has been included inProQuestdatabase. The integrated search platform includes 74 bases on almost all fields of science. Total amount of Titles is over 8000.

Institute of Information Registration Problems of NAS of Ukraine.The journal Scientific Bulletin of National Mining University has been included in National scientific database “Ukrainika Naukova”. Materials from our journal are published in Ukrainian abstract journal “Dzherelo”.

VINITI. Since2011 р. Scientific Bulletin of National Mining University has been included in scientificliteraturefundVINITIofRussianAcademyofScience.

ООО “Ukrinformnauka”. Information about Scientific Bulletin of National Mining University is published in Serials Directory of subscription adgency “Ukrinformnauka”.

OOO NVP “Idea”. Information about Scientific Bulletin of National Mining University is published in Serials Directory of subscription adgency “Idea”.

Educational-scientific-industrial portal “Rudana”. The first Ukrainian educational, scientific and industrial portal that units interests of wide circles of workers, researchers, students, pupils and all people who are interested in the past, the present and the future of mining business all over the world. 



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