| | Rector Aziukovskyi OleksandrContacts: tel.:+380 56 744 62 19 E-mail: rector@nmu.org.ua |
 | | First vice-rector Pavlychenko ArtemContacts: E-mail: pavlichenko.a.v@nmu.one |
 | | Vice-Rector for Perspective Development Bukreieva DariaCandidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Analysis and Finance. Contacts: E-mail: bukreieva.d.s@nmu.one |
 | | Vice-Rector on Education Khomenko YuriyCandidate of geologic and mineralogical sciences, associate professor, Honored Educator. Contacts: E-mail: HomenkoU@nmu.org.ua |
 | | Vice-Rector on Science Nikitenko IhorDoctor of Geological Sciences, Professor of the Department of General and Structural Geology. Contacts: E-mail: nikitenko.i.s@nmu.one |
 | | Vice-rector for scientific and pedagogical, educational work and social issues Hryhoriev OleksiiCandidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor. Contacts: E-mail: hryhoriev.o.y@nmu.one |